Saturday, July 02, 2016

Love, Aubrey - Dickens

I've always enjoyed movies, TV-shows, books, etc. that were true, down-to-earth, and meaningful; told a story worth hearing, that can influence your life. Up until the book, Love, Aubrey, by Suzanne LaFleur, I hadn't read a single book that I found worth-while or meaningful to me. Love, Aubrey, was the first book I had ever finished front to back. It changed my life for the better because I finally found a true love for books and reading.

Throughout my years of school, I have not always loved reading and have not always found it worthwhile and enjoyable. There are so many books in the world that tell a story that is so influential and meaningful to the person that wrote the story and many others, however it took me a while to find an author I could relate to. Suzanne LaFleur was the first author that I connected with and I found that I wrote a meaningful story in my opinion and from my perspective. She brings her stories to life in a way that is relatable to people, no matter what they are going through. Her stories offer so many different situations, approached at so many different perspectives and angles. However, not every solution was a success in Love, Aubrey, and I think that is what I liked most about her writing and the book. I appreciate her realistic approach, unlike other books where everything is always a success.

Suzanne LaFleur is an author I have come to extremely enjoy and appreciate because she was the one that brought my aspirations to explore to life. All of her stories and books are told with such passion and heart, it's rare when you can tell whether the story is fiction or non-fiction because each one is brought to life so well.

Each character in Love, Aubrey is full of purpose and meaning, and I can see how she has grown to be such an amazing author in all of her other books, because of how all of her characters each portray a different personality and different quality. Some are qualities that are more normal for people to have, and others are not. These rare personality traits allow readers that have similar traits to have a deep connection with the book, as I feel I did. The other more normal ones, shape to whatever mood a reader could be in that day. You never relate to just one character in her books, and I love and appreciate that about her books so much. They influence me to believe that I don't have to be just one way all the time.

Throughout the book, you get to watch the main character, Aubrey, grow and learn and heal emotionally and spiritually. When I first read this book I was 10, almost the same age as Aubrey, and I felt like I related so much to her journey and it made me feel like I wasn't alone. As a 10 year old, I was just beginning to realize there were things outside of the world other than just my little bubble. Love, Aubrey, gave me insight into the world I was so curious about, but didn't know how to explore or begin learning about. I have always been a curious person, even as a kid, I love exploring and learning about new things. This book gave me a feeling that I hadn't felt before, one that gave me inspiration to explore and do bigger and better things with my life.

This book began my journey that has led me to be the person I am today, one that I am very proud of to be. Aubrey when she was 11, lost her father and younger sister in a tragic accident and it turned her world upside down. To make things worse her mother abandoned her a week later, so she was on her own along with her grandmother and pet goldfish, Sammy. Shortly after I read this book, my grandpa passed and I was very close to him, so it also turned my world was also turned upside down. After the fact, I remembered reading this book, Love, Aubrey, and it helped me through that tough time in my life, by reading how Aubrey fought through her troubles and thoughts and adversity. Books are something that are precious and when written with a passionate story behind them, whether fiction or non-fiction, can change lives and help people grow and prosper as people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was scrolling through our class’s blog looking for posts to comment on and was extremely excited to see that someone else appreciates this book as much as I do. It’s funny actually, I reread “Love Aubrey” this summer and completely got my heart shattered again. In fact I think it hit me a little bit harder reading it now that I am older. I admire the 11 year old girl that this book focuses on so much and like you, sometimes I use her to get through struggles. The novel also makes me feel so much appreciation towards my little family of people both blood related and not because I am incredibly blessed to have them and as Aubrey discovered, there is no guarantee of a tomorrow ever. Her letter to her sister makes me cry every time and want to give my little brothers a big hug. I’m glad you had this book when your grandpa passed away because I agree this is an incredibly powerful story about finding the courage to move past grief and stand back up on your feet. It is incredibly powerful and inspiring that that little girl can be so brave. What other books has Suzanne LaFluer written that you enjoy? I definitely want to look into them because I think “Love Aubrey” means as much to me as it does to you which I think is a really cool connection. Sometimes I forget other people enjoy my favorite stories too.