Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Color Purple - Jess Ruby

Letters to God

Hiding behind hope
The only way to cope

Violence is not the key
Careful not to go as low as he

Internal struggle for hate or love
To write is to help you rise above

You have been used
Your mind and heart abused

The pain you endure
Not only your body does he injure

Your mind is just as strong
Trusting god to right his wrong

Answer your prayers, God will
Your faith he can’t kill

Keep writing
Keep fighting

This way of life will soon end
Your wounds God will mend

This poem describes my feelings towards Celie’s writing. They serve as an outlet for her frustrations, and allow her to remain hopeful and rely on her faith in God. I think that even today writing serves as a powerful tool to many in terms of coping. Even with what she has been through, Celie remains hopeful and has continued to write to God. I think that this is a very important part of the story and makes it that much more powerful seeing things from her perspective.


the words keep replaying
what message are they relaying
not sure of their importance
I guess I’ll just ignore it
that's what I end up doing
how do I keep moving
when I know I’ll never meet them
only existing to condemn

Future coming soon
sounds like a horror film
that doesn’t interest me
one I don’t care to see
It has bad reviews
it’s time to spread the news
Why spend my time and money
if I know I’ll end up unhappy
just trying to achieve
these goals set by

That is the question though
how do you even know
what I’m supposed to be
when it's a mystery to me
put the answers on a pedestal
perfection seems critical
but why
who are we following?

Maybe we knew at some point
sorry to disappoint
but I forgot
put me on the spot
and I will tell you
that these goals you set for me
who ever you may be
I don’t care
just putting it out there
I’d rather make my own
Step down from your throne
I have a chance to thrive
but on my own time
My Expectations
This poem relates to the struggle in Harpo‘s head about his father’s expectations. He doesn’t truly want to be like his Father, but somewhere deep down he doesn’t want to disappoint him. His feelings incompetence are only confirmed once again by the disapproval he faces from Sophia’s father, and the fact that his strength is inferior to that of his wife’s. She challenges him and out of fear of losing his manhood and respect from other men he slips into the disgusting ways of self proclaimed dominance like the other men in his life. He struggles internally with his own values that become clouded by those of others.

Like a Man

I must display my dominance today
I fancy the girls that come out at night
The one I married will just have to pay
My incompetence comes out when I fight
I have to hit my wife because I can
My mind has been taken over with greed
Her bruises make me feel more like a man
It’s not her pain but the power I need
Went out at night and thought i was clever
I love Shug though she doesn’t love me
Celie knows but leave me she would never
I brought her to my home so she could see
That I am the man with whom she belongs
Voice in my head like my favorite song

I wrote this sonnet poem from the perspective of Mr. ____ about his feelings towards Shug Avery. He is so blown away by her beauty that he can’t get her out of his head, and brings her into his home when she comes ill. The fact that she doesn’t respect him, even in his own home and he still cares for her shows how strong his attraction to her is. He takes out his anger on his wife Celie, because it helps him feel more powerful when Shug takes that away from him. This is a good representation of the treatment of women in this time period which is an important part of the setting in this book.

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